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Modern food industry system will be basically completed in 2025

Release time:2021-12-01 15:34:06   Writer:This site

  "Deepen the quality food project, improve the quality efficiency and competitiveness of food industry development, and drive rural revitalization with food industry development." Qian Yi, director of the Planning and Construction Department of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, introduced the "Six Actions" of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the implementation of quality food projects at a press briefing on December 7, and the basic completion of a modern food industry system with coordinated development of production, purchase, storage, processing and marketing by 2025.

Explore the whole industry chain development model

  Qian Yi said that in recent years, local governments have promoted the "three-chain coordination" of the grain industry chain, value chain and supply chain, and explored the extension of the upstream and downstream with the advantage of the industrial chain.

  Qian Yi cited the example of the "Funan model", which is driven by leading enterprises such as Sinochem Agriculture and Zhongyu Company, and takes high-quality grain base and grain industrial park as the carrier to realize the agglomeration and integration development of grain industry; Giving full play to the engine of the processing link to realize the "Binzhou experience" of the whole industry chain business model of grain; Investing in amplifying the leading role of brand standards and strengthening the practice and experience of COFCO driven by leading enterprises; Highlighting the production, purchase, storage, processing and marketing to drive the "superior grain and superior marketing" of Beidahuang Group active practice, etc., to achieve the five best overall linkage, the whole quality, and promote the organic linkage and synergistic development of all aspects of the quality grain industry chain.

  Data from the National Food and Materials Reserve Bureau show that the "Funan Model" experience of helping rural revitalization has expanded from 13 provinces and 64 counties in 2020 to 19 provinces and 140 counties in 2021, developing more than 5 million mu of order grain, driving nearly 1 million small farmers, more than 1,000 farmers' cooperatives, more than 1,700 family farms and 155 county food SMEs to develop together, and promoting more than 700 million yuan of income for farmers.

  Qian Yi said that the "14th Five-Year" period to continue to encourage support around the exploration of the whole grain industry chain development model and guide the grain industry intensive agglomeration development.

Promote quality food projects

  The "six actions" proposed that by 2025, the production, purchase, storage, processing and marketing synergistic development of modern grain industry system is basically completed. Government reserves basically realize temperature-controlled storage to preserve quality and freshness, reduce the use of chemicals to increase efficiency, storage operations in a friendly environment, quality food supply more abundant, food quality significantly improved, food branding system more perfect, grain and oil brands and marketing market competitiveness continue to improve, the average annual increase in quality food more than 10%.

  Qian Yi said, this year around the high priority, and actively take strong measures to promote quality food projects. Among them, Shandong Province focus on the new expansion of high-standard grain silos 1.8 million tons, upgrading green low-temperature grain storage facilities 3 million tons, the construction of four provincial regional food security base, support the "Qilu grain and oil" regional public brand building and sales channel construction; the implementation of policy funds 2.8 billion yuan, innovative support.

Modern food industry system will be basically completed in 2025

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