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Process classification

Process classification

Low-temperature meal and protein project

Low-temperature meal and protein project

1、To undertake low temperature meal project, white bean flake project, protein powder project, protein peptide project, protein separation project and alcohol protein concentration project.
2、Advanced process, fully consider energy saving, environmental protection, heat energy recycling, etc.
3、The process can be fully automatic controlled.
Process introduction

Introduction to low-temperature meal and protein engineering

Low-temperature soybean meal products (commonly known as white soybean meal) are edible soybean meal with low protein denaturation and high nitrogen solubility index (NSI) obtained by low-temperature desolvation process during soybean leaching for oil production. Subsequently, it can be used as raw material for edible protein powder, protein concentrate and isolated protein.

Alcoholic soybean protein concentrate products are made from low-temperature soybean meal (or high-temperature soybean meal), using edible ethanol to extract and separate the water-soluble sugars and other components, and then extruded and crushed, dried, and superfine crushed to obtain alcoholic soybean protein concentrate. This production process has high protein content and no waste water pollution.

Zhengzhou Siwei provides you with different tonnage of low temperature meal project, white bean flake project, protein powder project, protein peptide project, protein separation project and alcoholic protein concentrate processing technology and equipment.

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